Friday, 27 March 2009


I have found a website on this topic and it is absolutely hilarious!! (

This is clearly a religious website which provides guidelines for overcoming a masturbation 'problem'.

The main advice seems to centre around the need to cut off friends who also masturbate, yeah great advice but what are you supposed to do, give all your friends 20 questions on a very personal topic? As if!!

The importance of never being alone, so how am i supposed to sleep? Do i have to ask my mom if i can get in with her? mmm can really see that happening.

Finally, and most obviously, the need to read scriptures and pray..but get this, your not allowed to ask for help with this problem, your just supposed to ignore it.

Oh and a few more include, not looking in the mirror too much, wearing tight clothes in bed and leaving the bathroom door slightly open.

This is a must read!!!!

The object of it being that if you follow these guidelines you will; 'Simply get back on track and don't look back. Until you commit yourself to never do it again you will always be open to temptation.'

So religion hates those who masturbate?

But they hate rapists aswell. Which is worse?

I understand that masturbating can lead to more tempting activities, such as sexual intercourse, but come on, if more people knocked one off once in a while there would be a lot more happy faces in the world and the use of prostitutes would decline.

Alternatively, you could follow the advice of the website, never play with yourself, be miserable, have no friends ( because most people are guilty of having a quick one now and then), never have any privacy, be unable to sleep and leave the house looking like crap..choice is yours!!

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