Monday, 16 March 2009

Infidelity and trust.

Today i am going to continue my thoughts on infidelity.
I would like to state that infidelity is not the problem.
It is the trust that is damaged through the act that makes it such a moral problem.
If a person commits infidelity they betray the trust of their partner which is why the relationship becomes damaged.
So..on that..i would like to know why we have discussed infidelity when clearly it is trust that is the issue?
When we form relationships we gain trust in another person, if this is damaged then it is relatively impossible to re-form that relationship.
However, other things can also damage trust in a relationship, such a lying, scheming or a complete change of behaviour. Yet adultery is the only topic considered.
Is it not important to discuss other problems in relationships, such as violence or abuse?
I would like to know why the present society place such an interest on sex and cheating when the act itself is NOT the issue.

As this websites demonstrates, forgiveness is the only way to re-build a relationship which has been damaged by this act and expresses the loss of trust caused by it.

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