Friday, 10 April 2009

Comment on Fatima Asfer's views on lying.

I agree with Fatima's stand on lying here. In the opening paragraph she states that 'white lies' are more understandable, true, but it becomes apparent that a compulsive 'white liar' would appear to lie to cover many insecurities. I have seen many people with such behaviour as this, lying about silly petty things, because they have to be better than everyone else, when clearly they are not. The sad thing is, as Fatima suggests, eventually they get caught out because they tell so many lies they do not know the truth themselves. Also, once one lie is told many more have to be created to make their first lie feasible and this is when the mess begins.

To be a good liar, it is imperative that you have a good memory, so you can keep track of what you've said, and sadly, the majority of people who lie cannot quite manage this, and end up being found out.

The other sad thing is, that most of the time, the original lie is something forgivable, but as the situation spirals out of control, and the lies mount up, when the truth does come out, that lie is not longer forgivable and to tell the truth in the first place would have made much more sense.

I also believe that Fatima is right when she says that compulsive liars end up lonely, due to being 'fake' as people no longer trust them, and begin to realise that they are actually quite pathetic.

It's just like the boy who cried wolf, and look what happened to him.

In conclusion, lying is a natural human ability, but as we grow older, we generally realise that the truth comes out sooner or later, and a betrayal of trust just adds fuel to the fire, so we seem to grow out of it unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, if we didn't lie, then their would be a lot of lawyers out of work!!

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